Motorola Solutions Safety and security Ecosystem

17 | 510-656-5600 • AI-powered analytics Powerful AI proactively helps to detect brandished firearms and alerts operators for immediate verification and action. Reduce response time Operators are notified of brandished firearms at a site within an average of 5 seconds of the active shooter being detected on a camera. Motorola Solutions’ Safety & Security Ecosystem Offer more than just detection. Enable the security team to send mass notifications, provide custom protocols or initiate a site lockdown. Visible firearm detection (VFD) Detect and verify handheld firearms in seconds ast, intelligent screening creen up to 3,600 people per hour (60 per minute), minating any bottlenecks at points of entry while stinguishing between threats and everyday items like a ellphone, coins or keys. espectful, hassle-free experience quick, unobtrusive workflow with no stopping required, s individuals are not required to empty their pockets or ace their bags in another area for inspection. MS integration hen a threat is confirmed by a security screener, alarms e sent to Unity Video software where live video from ameras onboard the towers is recorded alongside fixed deo security feeds. ncealed weapons detection (CWD) y identify potential threats on a person Fast, intelligent screening Screen up to 3,600 people per hour (60 per minute), eliminating any bottlenecks at points of entry while distinguishing between threats and everyday items like a cellphone, coins or keys. Concealed weapons detection (CWD) Quickly identify potential threats on a person Respectful, hassle-free experience A quick, unobtrusive workflow with no stopping required, as individuals are not required to empty their pockets or place their bags in another area for inspection. VMS integration When a threat is confirmed by a security screener, alarms are sent to Unity Video software where live video from cameras onboard the towers is recorded alongside fixed video security feeds. AI-powered analytics Powerful AI proactively helps to detect brandished firearms and alerts operators for immediate verification and action. Visible firearm detection (VFD) Detect and verify handheld firearms in seconds Reduce response time Operators are notified of brandished firearms at a site within an average of 5 seconds of the active shooter being detected on a camera. Motorola Solutions’ Safety & Security Ecosystem Offer more than just detection. Enable the security team to send mass notifications, provide custom protocols or initiate a site lockdown. Detection solutions