Motorola Solutions mototrbo-r7-digital-radio

Motorola Solutions


MOTOTRBO R5 connects teams, helping boost efficiency and safety with clear, loud audio that cuts through background noise and intuitive status indications and controls so workers can focus on their tasks, all in a tough, compact device that’s built to last.

Frequency bands:

Frequency Range:
VHF: 136-174 MHz
UHF: 400-512 MHz

Number of Channels/Groups/Zones:
Limited Keypad Model: 256 Channels/ 50 Zones
Non-Keypad Model: 64 Channels/ 4 Zones

Power Output:
VHF: 5 Watts
UHF: 4 Watts

Channel Spacing:
12.5 / 25 kHz

Battery Life

MOTOTRBO R5 with 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4889)
Digital / Analog Battery Life: 32 / 24 hrs

MOTOTRBO R5 with TIA4950 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4890)
Digital / Analog Battery Life: 32 / 24 hrs

MOTOTRBO R5 with 2200 mAh Slim battery(PMNN4888))
Digital / Analog Battery Life: 21.5 / 16 hrs

Dimensions H x W x D (with standard battery)

MOTOTRBO R5 with 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4889)
4.82 x 2.2 x 1.6 inches

MOTOTRBO R5 with TIA4950 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4890)
4.82 x 2.2 x 1.6 inches

MOTOTRBO R5 with 2200 mAh Slim battery(PMNN4888)
4.82 x 2.2 x 1.37 inches

Weight (with standard battery)

MOTOTRBO R5 with 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4889)
11.2 oz

MOTOTRBO R5 with TIA4950 3200 mAh battery (PMNN4890)
11.7 oz

MOTOTRBO R5 with 2200 mAh Slim battery(PMNN4888))
10 oz

Operating temperature
-22 °F to 140 °F

Mil spec

IP Standards

Request A Quote

Cut through the noise

R5’s loud, clear audio helps the message get through the first time, whether conditions are noisy or quiet.

If workers can’t hear messages above noisy vehicles, a cheering crowd or heavy plant machinery, safety and efficiency can be compromised. R5’s powerful built-in speaker delivers loud audio so workers can hear messages above background noise and users can even select an extra-loud audio profile for up to 106 phons loudness in extremely noisy environments. A wide selection of headsets and earpieces is also available to allow workers to hear messages discreetly or in high-noise workplaces.

R5 features a sophisticated AItrained noise suppression algorithm for advanced background noise reduction to help ensure messages are transmitted clearly. Software embedded in the device distinguishes between the talker’s voice and the various types of surrounding noise such as vehicles, crowds and heavy machines; speech is retained while ambient noise is significantly reduced. The MOTOTRBO R5’s low distortion wideband speaker plays received messages loud and clear to help prevent miscommunication.

R5 is designed to optimize audio performance across a wide range of workplace environments and worker profiles so users don’t need to constantly adjust the radio volume. Its IMPRES™ technology and Received Audio Leveling smooth out the differences in users’ voice level and microphone placement. Intelligent Audio adjusts the radio output to avoid blaring messages or missed calls, adapting to changes in the background volume or as workers move between noisy and quiet environments.

Focus on the task

Optimized controls, tactile buttons and long battery runtime make R5 easy and intuitive to use all day long so workers can focus on their job, not their radio.

Built to last

R5 has been designed to withstand the knocks and drops of the workplace so it will work as well in the future as it does today.

Motorola PMAE4079


UHF/GPS Combination Wideband Slim Whip Antenna (403-527 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4117


VHF/GPS Combination Helical Antenna (136-155 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4116


VHF/GPS Combination Helical Antenna (144-165 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4118


VHF/GPS Combination Helical Antenna (152-174 MHz)

Motorola PMAE4069


UHF/GPS Combination Stubby Antenna (403-450 MHz)

Motorola PMAE4070


UHF/GPS Combination Stubby Antenna (440-490 MHz)

Motorola PMAE4071


UHF/GPS Combination Stubby Antenna (470-527 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4119


VHF/GPS Combination Stubby Antenna (136-148 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4120


VHF/GPS Combination Stubby Antenna (146-160 MHz)

Motorola PMAD4147


VHF Whip Antenna 136-174 MHz

Motorola PMAD4121


VHF Stubby Antenna (160-174 MHz)

Motorola 32012144001


Gray Antenna ID Band (pack of 10)

Motorola 32012144002


Yellow Antenna ID Band (pack of 10)

Motorola 32012144003


Green Antenna ID Band (pack of 10)

Motorola 32012144004


Blue Antenna ID Band (pack of 10)

Motorola 32012144005


Purple Antenna ID Band (pack of 10)

Motorola PMNN4888


IMPRES Slim Li-Ion IP67 2200 mAh

Motorola PMNN4889


IMPRES High Capacity Li-Ion IP67 3200 mAh

Motorola PMNN4890


IMPRES UL High Capacity Li-Ion IP67 3200 mAh

Motorola PMLN8662


Hard Leather Carry Case, 3” Swivel Belt Loop For Limited Keypad Radio

Motorola PMLN8663


Hard Leather Carry Case, 3” Fixed Belt Loop For Limited Keypad Radio

Motorola PMLN8664


Nylon Case, 3” Fixed Belt Loop For Limited Keypad Radio

Motorola PMLN8665


Hard Leather Carry Case, 3” Swivel Belt Loop For No Keypad Radio

Motorola PMLN8666


Hard Leather Carry Case, 3” Fixed Belt Loop For No Keypad Radio

Motorola PMLN8667


Nylon Case, 3” Fixed Belt Loop For No Keypad Radio

Motorola PMPN4527


Desktop IMPRES Single Unit Charger

Motorola PMLN7269ANS


Receive Only Extra Loud Earpiece, 3.5mm Jack (Black Color)

Please contact us for more information

Motorola PMMN4170


RM560 Remote Speaker Microphone, with 3.5mm Audio Jack, IP67

Motorola PMMN4171


RM530 Remote Speaker Microphone, with 3.5mm Audio Jack, IP67

The Motorola MOTOTRBO R5 is available in the following models.

Non-Keypad Models

  • AAH07JDC9SA1AN VHF, 136-174 MHz, 5 Watts, 64 Channels
  • AAH07RDC9SA1AN UHF, 400-512 MHz, 4 Watts, 64 Channels

Limited Keypad Models

  • AAH07JDH9SA1AN VHF, 136-174 MHz, 5 Watts, 256 Channels
  • AAH07RDH9SA1AN UHF, 400-512 MHz, 4 Watts, 256 Channels