Motorola Solutions Full Line Catalog

137 | 510-656-5600 • P25 mobile video License plate recognition Motorola Solutions offers a variety of LPR camera systems, purpose-built for your specific needs. Each incorporates our best-in-class optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm to ensure you’re capturing the most accurate license plate recognition data. In-Car video systems Out on patrol, you never know what to expect: The situation can escalate from routine to life-threatening in seconds. Make sure you keep a complete record, with in-car and motorcycle video camera systems. Fixed license plate recognition Capture more license plate recognition data per dollar spent with precision scanning on your high-speed, high-volume roadways. Quick-deploy license plate recognition Conduct more tactical enforcement with temporary or semi-permanent license plate recognition data capture almost anywhere. Mobile license plate recognition Heighten awareness on the road, guide officer patrol efforts and collect data at scale with powerful, reliable mobile license plate recognition. Watch now