118 | 510-656-5600 • www.telepathcorp.com APX mobile radios From the fire engine to the police cruiser, to the utility truck, choose an APX mobile radio to fit your needs. Mission-critical radio products, purpose-built for first responders and organizations that cannot compromise on their communications. Motorola Solutions’ legendary APX™ P25 two-way mobile radios combine sophisticated technology with incredible toughness and precise ergonomic controls. The broad portfolio includes everything from affordable singleband mobiles and ultra-rugged firefighter radios to sophisticated portables with GPS, Wi-Fi and mission-critical Bluetooth functionality. All of Motorola’s APX mobile radios are certified to the APCO Project 25 (P25) digital two-way radio standard and offer guaranteed interoperability with other agencies and organizations using P25. Commercial Tier APX 8500 Achieve unlimited interoperability, secure Wi-Fi connectivity and purpose-built design to enable ease of installation and removal with the APX 8500. APX 6500 Ideal for agencies requiring single-band operation, easy-to-install design and future P25 Phase 2 capability. APX 4500 Compact, easy-to-install dash mount design with basic features. Ideal for agencies requiring a budgetfriendly P25 mobile solution. APX 1500 Durable and compact with quality P25 features in an easy-to-use design, the APX 1500 is ideal for local government and public works users who require a budget-friendly P25 Phase 2 solution. APX Dual Radio Ideal for first responders, the APX dual radio enables users to monitor and scan up to four different frequency bands via a single O7 control head. APX mobile radios